This was immensely helpful, first of all just to know that someone else has had the same thoughts and struggles I have. I love the thought of turning any praise immediately to praise of God. Something else that helps me is to remind myself of 1 Cor. 4:7: I don't have anything that I haven't received. So anything I've shared that has helped anyone else came from Him, and He deserves the glory.

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Barbara, you are definitely not alone in this and I'm so grateful to hear it was helpful just to know that! I think that in terms of turning praise to God, I am learning for that to happen more slowly than I am comfortable with—to really receive and think about the things that have been said, to allow myself to feel glad and happy for the encouragement, to know that the kind words of another might truly be *for me*. And 1 Cor. 4:7 is definitely a part of that!, Knowing that God has truly given me gifts—that they are from him, but they are also no less mine even as I use them unto him— eventually leads my heart praise him in a deeper way. Thanks so much for reading! Praying we'd walk more and more in his freedom today. <3

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